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Show of hands- how many of you are helping your kids with remote learning?

Are there any other parents with school-aged kiddos here?

Posted - September 5, 2020


  • 53334


      I do not fit the demographic: my children are adults and out of school. 


      September 5, 2020 7:42 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Thankfully, not me. I don't know how you all do it. I would have had to quit my job, had this happened when my kids were still in school. 
      September 6, 2020 7:14 AM MDT

  • 33753
    My daughter has had to move her hours around to be able to do it.
      September 6, 2020 7:39 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Hope she has help!
      September 6, 2020 7:40 AM MDT

  • 33753
    Her SIL lives close and I do what I can. 
      September 6, 2020 8:59 AM MDT

  • 33753
    Nope. My youngest graduated last year. Just had the ceremony a month ago. 

    Granddaughters are doing online. My daughter says one teacher is really good. The other is not...does not even reply to messeges etc. My daughter has actually had to interrupt class to get information. 
    Said neither is sticking to schedule. Having random breaks. Telling 1st grade and 2nd graders to log out and come back in 5, 10 minutes.  Then complained to one about being logged in at wrong time. This post was edited by my2cents at September 9, 2020 6:12 AM MDT
      September 6, 2020 7:29 AM MDT

  • 53334


      (Why was your youngest’s ceremony in August of 2020 if the graduation was last year?)

      September 6, 2020 7:35 AM MDT

  • 33753
    Last school year...ended May 2020. 
      September 6, 2020 7:37 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Why are you so particular and nosey?
      September 6, 2020 7:38 AM MDT

  • 53334


    Why are you so particular and nosey about me and about everything I do?  It’s as if you're stalking me on here!  Oh, wait, it’s the other way around, isn’t it?

      September 6, 2020 7:55 AM MDT

  • 10052

      September 7, 2020 2:12 PM MDT

  • 7938
    Yeah... that's what I'm hearing too. My daughter's friend's mother has a first-grader and they're ignoring the schedule and telling the kids when to come back from breaks and such. It's not happening. 

    My youngest is in fourth and it's doing us in. The assignments are scattered across five or six different platforms and there are no written instructions about what they need to be doing where. The teacher will tell them to do something and then log off for an hour or so. If my son misses which platform it's on, we're SOL. I sent a note to the teacher a week ago during school hours asking what platform to look for an assignment on. I didn't hear back for three days, at which point, the teacher told me, "Your son isn't listening, so he's missing stuff." He didn't even tell me where the assignment was- just complained that my son wasn't listening. Well, no sh*t, Sherlock. How about filling in the gaps for me so I can at least get him to the assignments???  ARGH! I've become a raging monster. 

    The worst part, this is a teacher my daughter (now in 7th) had for two years and we LOVED him with in-person learning. He's not a bad person and he's usually a great teacher. But, oh man, put him online and we might as well have a trained monkey dancing for seven hours a day for all the good he's doing. 

      September 6, 2020 7:22 PM MDT

  • 33753
    Sounds like that same thing is going on everywhere. 
    You would think the teachers would have at least a webpage that lists assignments and answer messages.   

    We had online homework for my youngest 2 in high school. Homework was all listed on Blackboard and teachers would even answer messages after school hours. I do not know if the difference is because of high school vs elementary.

    I do wonder if some of the teachers are just mad about having to do the virtual school. 

    My daughter has even mentioned going to the program. Which is all online public schooling. But I think that was more if she felt tgat this was going to be an A for logging in year. Which was what last 2 months of the school year was. This post was edited by my2cents at September 9, 2020 6:13 AM MDT
      September 7, 2020 4:45 AM MDT

  • 13276
    I have no children and haven't yet figured out how to show my hands or any other body part on the Internet.
      September 6, 2020 8:24 PM MDT

  • 53334


      September 6, 2020 11:04 PM MDT

  • 13276
    But that's not moi.
      September 7, 2020 4:17 AM MDT

  • 33753
    I think you used a pict of youself for your avatar here. 
      September 7, 2020 4:48 AM MDT

  • 53334


      It’s an example. (Try to keep up.)


      September 7, 2020 6:26 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Sending you and all parents turned full time teachers good thoughts, JA! 
      September 7, 2020 2:17 PM MDT

  • Yes I have an 8 year old and it is expected that he will be remote learning for at least the first month. 
      September 9, 2020 6:12 AM MDT

  • 2921
    I don’t have kids now, but my sister does-maybe my sister is just helping all that she can on on keeping their learning going-under control(too)!
      November 17, 2020 1:45 PM MST

  • 757
    I'm not.
      January 10, 2021 7:58 PM MST